Interactive resources for incubators and accelerators
Interactive resources for incubators and accelerators
Interactive resources for incubators and accelerators

Application Process

The application process for your program allows you to ask applicants questions in order to determine which enterprises will be most suited for your program. It also allows applicants to signal their availability and interest in your program. This is generally done via an online and/or printed application form.


    Your application process privileges certain gender groups over others.


    All entrepreneurs, regardless of their gender,  have an equal opportunity to apply for your program.

Why it matters

Ensuring your application process is accessible to all entrepreneurs, regardless of their gender, is an important part of creating a gender diverse applicant pool to select from.


Is our application process preventing gender diverse entrepreneurs  from applying to the program?

Does our application form require access to technology? And if so, do all our target entrepreneurs have access to this?
