Interactive resources for incubators and accelerators
Interactive resources for incubators and accelerators
Interactive resources for incubators and accelerators

Program Delivery

Applying a gender lens to how you deliver your program is important to ensure that the content adds equal value to all entrepreneurs, regardless of gender, and that those delivering the content are equipped to do so.

What's involved in delivering a program?

The way a program gets delivered can vary from one accelerator or incubator to another, but tends to include a mix of content, mentorship and advice being delivered by people (experts, facilitators, mentors, etc.) using various formats (masterclasses, formal events, workshops, one on one sessions, etc.). In addition to having a great program design, it is important to apply a gender lens to the delivery of your program to ensure that the way it is being delivered, as well as the people who are delivering it, are creating a safe space that is conducive to learning and performing for all entrepreneurs regardless of gender.


Content Delivery