Interactive resources for incubators and accelerators
Interactive resources for incubators and accelerators
Interactive resources for incubators and accelerators

Content Delivery

Your program content can be delivered by different people (experts, facilitators, mentors, etc.) in different formats (masterclasses, formal events, workshops, one on one sessions, etc.) through different channels (online, face-to-face, etc).  


    Certain ways of delivering content can negatively affect your entrepreneurs’ ability to access, engage with and/or receive the information being communicated.


    Your program delivery supports all entrepreneurs, regardless of gender.


    Example measurement indicators and collection methods can be found here.

Why it matters

The way your program is delivered can greatly privilege some gender groups while disadvantaging others. It is important to create a safe and inclusive learning space for all entrepreneurs, to ensure everyone has an equal opportunity to engage with the content being delivered.


Who is delivering our program content? Are they helping in creating an inclusive space? Are our facilitators diverse?

How can we be more inclusive during program delivery?

How can we ensure that all voices in the room are heard? And that everyone feels comfortable to contribute?

Is there a perceived power dynamic between facilitators and entrepreneurs? 

Does delivery exclude certain entrepreneurs?


  • 1.

    Ensure there is diversity in the people who are delivering your program content. E.g. if you have women entrepreneurs, ensure there are strong women facilitators who can not only deliver technical content, but also understand where the entrepreneur is coming from. This creates role models for the participants but also levels out power dynamics and provides a more comfortable environment e.g. a facilitator who is a mother advising a participant who is also a mother may be  more effective than a single male facilitator advising a young mother.

  • 2.

    Have support facilitators to help with language or other areas where additional technical support may be needed. Language plays a really critical role in not only privileging some genders but in creating  negative power dynamics if not properly adapted to the context. Ensure language used is not sexist or biased.

  • 3.

    Be deliberate about creating a safe learning environment where everyone feels comfortable to contribute, and all voices are heard. E.g. Acknowledge where power lies in these spaces. In a room with mixed genders, be deliberate about creating spaces for all genders to speak and feel heard.